Why get involved?
Since 2018, act4nature international has achieved the following:
- Raising awareness and mobilising leaders and operational managers of international companies for better integration of biodiversity into their activities and strategies;
- Giving voice to French interests in the Business for Nature coalition, which aims to advocate for business interests towards international organisations on biodiversity, and works to promote biodiversity actions of companies through its “It’s Now for Nature” campaign in preparation for the COP16 of the CBD;
- Showcasing French companies internationally, their methods, actions, and solutions. Act4nature international, by recognising the diversity of relevant indicators for each type of activity, has already had a significant influence on the community of think tanks seeking to structure the thinking and actions of companies and financial actors on the subject (e.g., SBTn);
- Encouraging a broader mobilisation of employees in favour of nature. The companies involved in 2018 represent more than 3.5 million employees, many of whom have mobilised at the local level, supported by their CEOs, thus reinforcing their attachment to their company and their interest in their profession. This dynamic has also stimulated the work of CSR departments on this issue.