The steering committee of act4nature international brings together the thirteen partner organisations of the initiative (business networks, environmental NGOs, and scientific bodies), as well as all companies participating in act4nature international. It ensures the smooth functioning, promotion, and credibility of the programme.
Each commitment submitted by a company undergoes a cross-review by:
- a business network (Afep, EpE, MEDEF or UN Global Compact Network France),
- an environmental NGO (French Committee of the IUCN or Noé),
- and a scientific organisation (Foundation for Biodiversity Research, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, or National Museum of Natural History), to assess its SMART nature.
Based on these reviews, the steering committee validates the SMART nature of the commitments before their publication on the act4nature international website.
Each company is solely responsible for formulating and implementing its individual commitments for the initiative.
Every two years, an assessment of the execution of the commitments made is conducted based on information provided by the participating companies.
The coordination of the steering committee’s work, as well as the organisation of reviews and exchanges with companies, is overseen by the manager of act4nature international, who reports on their actions to the committee of funding networks.