Act4nature in the world
Act4nature is a simple, accessible and voluntary initiative designed to immediately engage businesses in action while nurturing a cycle of continuous improvement in processes to better consider biodiversity. The act4nature method, pioneering in its kind, has proven its worth by supporting over 250 companies in their environmental transition since 2018. In order to make this assessment and action method accessible to a larger number of businesses, the initiative has undergone several evolutions, allowing for its international and sectoral adaptation of the model.
“Entreprises Engagées pour la Nature” (Committed Companies to Nature)
Entreprises Engagées pour la Nature is an initiative created in 2020, managed and coordinated by the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB). It is intended for French companies with activities solely in France. It enables small and medium-sized enterprises without regulatory reporting obligations to mobilize in favor of environmental transition. The execution of commitments is monitored post facto by the OFB. To learn more, visit the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) website.

Act4nature International
Act4nature, created in 2018, became Act4nature International in 2020. The initiative is managed and coordinated by the initiative’s thirteen partners by its manager. It is intended for international companies. Commitments made by companies undergo a review and validation of SMART criteria by a multi-party steering committee led by partners. Companies commit to implementing and reporting on their commitments every 2 years, they are encouraged to have the follow-up of their commitments audited by an external third party. A reporting on the implementation of the committments by companies is published on the website every 2 years.

Act4nature Portugal
Act4nature Portugal is an initiative created in May 2020 at the initiative of the local partner of WBCSD. Act4nature Portugal follows the principles of Act4nature International and aims to mobilize and encourage companies to protect, promote, and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services locally. Discover the dedicated website here.

Transport4nature is an initiative created in 2020 at the initiative of the organization Infrastructure & Ecology Network Europe (IENE) and its partners. Its goal is to mobilize European transport companies on biodiversity issues based on the principles of Act4nature International. Discover the IENE website.

International Recognition
International business networks within WBCSD (in Brazil, Belgium, Portugal, Switzerland, etc.) have also promoted the principles guiding Act4nature in the Lisbon Declaration to companies.
The coalition of international networks Business for Nature (of which EpE is a member) has also recognized Act4nature as one of the few trans-sectoral commitment models that can inspire international businesses. Discover the commitments here.